Case Studies
SMS is one of the most comprehensive communication methods available. SMS can be used successfully and very cost-effectively for a wide variety of needs. At the same time, fast reachability is guaranteed. With SMS you can instantly reach everyone, everywhere.
Below is a selection of case studies that show how SMS can be used effectively for different communication needs:
- Clubs, Societies and Associations
- Customer Communication
- Industrial Notifications
- Political Campaigns
- Recruitment
- SMS Alarms and Alerts
- Technical Alarms
- SMS Marketing
- Software Integration
- Team Communication
- Two-Factor Authentication
The case studies provide only a glimpse of the many possibilities. Every company and every organization can use SMS successfully.
Reliable and immediate alerts: SMS for monitoring technical systems in facility management
Category: Technical AlarmsMonitoring technical systems in facility management is crucial for smooth operation. Heating, air conditioning or power supply failures can have significant consequences. This case study shows how SMS notifications with ASPSMS help to recognise and solve problems at an early stage.
Minimizing downtimes: SMS alerts in IT monitoring
Category: SMS Alarms and AlertsIn a highly networked world, reliable monitoring of IT systems is essential for the smooth operation of companies. Server failures, network problems and other IT disruptions have a significant impact on business processes. In this case study, we explore how using SMS notifications with ASPSMS to monitor IT systems can help minimise downtime and increase efficiency.
COVID smear negative: Corona test result by SMS
Category: Customer CommunicationThe topic Covid-19 is omnipresent and for many people at the same time very unsettling. Anyone who feels a cough or even a sore throat these days inevitably thinks of the corona virus. What to do?
Expand your customer base: eniline Limited - tailor-made suits, café-bar and fashion
Category: SMS MarketingThe Swiss family business eniline Limited operates a men's clothing shop with an affiliated bar on Junkerngasse in Bern. In addition to tailor-made suits, the range includes a prêt-à-porter collection of selected top brands.
Notification by text messages: Analytics Software Matomo integrates ASPSMS
Category: SMS MarketingMatomo, formerly Piwik, is the world Leading Open Source Analytics application which can be installed locally or in the cloud. More than 1,000,000 websites are using Matomo for analytics.
Swiss Red Cross: Hardware Token becomes SMS-Token
Category: Two-Factor AuthenticationAround 750 users log on daily by two-factor authentication on 24 terminal servers.
Swiss Parliament Elections 2015: Winner: SMS
Category: Political CampaignsSwiss parties, political associations and interest groups have realized that sending a text message to their communities brings more voters for their party or for their referendum.
Fitness Club VITALplus: That's worth it to us!
Category: Clubs, Societies and AssociationsIt still cannot be assumed that a group of receivers is equally accessible on all channels.
SMS communication with clear advantages and added value: Yodeling Club St. Gallen City
Category: Clubs, Societies and AssociationsThe Yodeling Club St. Gallen City takes part in the 60th Central Swiss Yodel Festival from 26 to 28 June 2015 in Sarnen - Fyyrä bi dä Tschifeler.
That's worth it to us: Hiking Club Mountain View
Category: Clubs, Societies and AssociationsThe members of the hiking club Mountain View are using various communication channels.
Soccer Club «Fortuna»: SMS communication with clear advantages and added value
Category: Clubs, Societies and AssociationsWhen it comes to sending a short message to several recipients across the generations, communication via SMS is still the most reliable and safe method to send a message within seconds.
Peer-to-Peer Recruitment Inc.: Communicate through all possible channels
Category: RecruitmentNot only recruiters recruit staff - staff recruits staff.
Mouth to mouth propaganda: Yodeling Club St. Gallen City, Part 2
Category: RecruitmentThe SMSBLASTER.CH web edition has been successfully used by the Yodeling Club St. Gallen City for information and coordination of members.
SMS Alerts: Elektra Musterhausen AG, part 3
Category: SMS Alarms and AlertsNetwork, Switchgears, powerplants, transformer plants, control centers, special services, ... the technical infrastructure of Elektra Musterhausen AG is a very complex entity.
Software Integration: Elektra Musterhausen AG, part 2
Category: Software IntegrationThe SMSBLASTER.CH web edition has been successfully used in the field installation of the power station for information and coordination of external employees.
Employee Information and coordination: Elektra Musterhausen AG, part 1
Category: Team CommunicationFor over 100 years, the energy supply company Elektra Musterhausen AG is a reliable partner for electricity production and electricity supply.
Reliable and binding: Yodeling Club St. Gallen City, Part 1
Category: Clubs, Societies and AssociationsThe Yodeling Club St. Gallen City communicates with its members using the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition.
Skatepark Flatland: Summer-School Coordination
Category: Team CommunicationThe Skatepark Flatland opened in 2008. Whenever the weather permits, the park is widely used. During summer holidays the skatepark runs skateboard workshops for kids.
Software Solution for Optitians: Send SMS with WIN-Opto
Category: Software IntegrationThe optician business Walliser Optik has built up a customer base of approximately 2,800 customers over the years.
Attractive Affiliate Program: The Favre Auto House Part 3: Gas Price Alerts
Category: RecruitmentBesol was founded in 1953 as a Swiss Shopping Community for petroleum products.
Customer contact results in additional business: The Favre Auto House part 2: Spring Promotion Pit Stop
Category: SMS MarketingThis year's Spring Exhibition was a full success for The Favre Auto House. Besides selling several new cars and a large number of used vehicles, CEO René Favre managed to expand his opt-in address list with over 200 new contacts with mobile phone numbers.
Expanding customer base: The Favre Auto House, part 1: Spring Exhibition
Category: SMS MarketingThe Favre Auto House has built up a customer base of approximately 1'100 customers over the years.
Archive: Swiss Mobiliar's SMS Meteo Alarm
Category: SMS Alarms and AlertsASPSMS Soap Web Service 2 (ASPSMSX2) is used for sending SMS messages about the meteorological risk.
Appointments under control with SMS: Dental Software ZaWin32®
Category: Software IntegrationDental offices send appointment reminders and arrangements for over ten years through ASPSMS.
Communication with students: ASPSMS in Schools, Colleges and Universities
Category: Team CommunicationThe use of SMS is becoming increasingly important in schools, colleges and universities in Switzerland and abroad.
SMS increase revenue: Happy Days at the video rental shop
Category: SMS MarketingTo stimulate the sales on weak revenue days a video rental shop uses targeted advertising with SMS campaigns.
ASPTOKEN in practise: Extra Security for Web Application Logins
Category: Two-Factor AuthenticationSensitive Information should be protected efficiently but in the same time it should be easy to access for users. For example field staff has to have the possibility to access an own server during client visit in order to retrieve information or place a purchasing order.
Fast and straightforward: Inexpensive advertising via SMS
Category: SMS MarketingThis month's showcase is about the jewellery chain K&K which celebrates its 20th anniversary.
A Practical Example - Leica Geosystems: Life-saving Short Messages
Category: Industrial NotificationsReal-time notification is vital for the success of real-time monitoring. That's why Leica Geosystems relies on ASPSMS as short messaging partner.
Customers abroad: Travel insurance
Category: Customer CommunicationAs a travel insurance company, Globo-Assistance (GA) is acting globally. GA bears not only the costs that originate from disease, accident, theft or other liability cases. They also organize patient transports, substitution in case of loss, give medical advice and legal protection.
It's all about the allocation: Train Maintenance
Category: Team CommunicationStarRail-Cleaning is contractor of one of Europe's largest national railway companies. It is responsible for cleaning and maintenance of passenger trains. StarRail-Cleaning has about 1400 employees.
Delivery with guarantee: Bicycle Messenger
Category: Team CommunicationThe bicycle messenger company BM-Livraison does courier services all over the city of Paris. The coordination central manages the jobs for 20 employees and ten to twenty freelancers.
Up to date with SMS: After Hours Club
Category: Team CommunicationThe After Hours Club «Club-DJ Vinyl» collects mobile phone numbers of its guests and informs them regularly about upcoming events with SMSBLASTER.COM web edition.
Reliably coordinated by SMS: Ski school
Category: Team CommunicationThe Ski School Caduff in Davos coordinates the assignments of all ski-, snowboard- und nordic ski-teachers and their guests with the dem SMSBLASTER.COM web edition.
Well organized through SMS: Fastnacht-association
Category: Team CommunicationLike every year, at November 11th, 11:11 o'clock the begin of carnival is celebrated. The Fastnacht-association Guggenmusik «Hellsbells» informs its members reliably and on time by SMS in spite of the chaos before and during the hustle and bustle of the festivities.
Simple, direct and binding: Recruiting by SMS
Category: RecruitmentThe job agency WorkingPeople places skilled personnel to the building industry for seasonal und temporary assignments by SMS. WorkingPeople maintains a pool of workers divided into several job categories from bricklayers to electricians.
Short and concise via SMS: Freight transportation company
Category: Team CommunicationThe freight transportation company Hablützel AG runs a fleet of 50 trucks all over Europe. The 70 drivers are disposed/coordinated by the headquarter in central Switzerland around the clock by SMS. This job is done by Claudia, Thomas und Leni.
Factsheets | |
Purpose and business examples |
SMS tools for End Users | |
Name | Pricing |
SMS Blaster Winlog | free |
Microsoft Office Outlook 2013-2016: Email to SMS | free |
Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 Mobile Service | free |
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Mobile Service | free |
SMSBLASTER web edition | free |
SMS Blaster Windows Edition | free |
SMS touch for iPhone and iPod touch | Shareware |
ECO-SMS - Ökologische SMS! | Shareware |
Cybersystems mscrmSMS | see price list for details |
Jabber-Client Chatopus for Palm OS | small one-time payment |
delight Software GmbH | see price list for details |
ASPSMS Widget for Mac | free |
SMS scripts and interfaces for developers | |
Name | Pricing |
WebAPI (recommended) | free |
Workflows (Zapier, MS Power Automate, | free |
ASPSMS Dot Net Assembly on NuGet | free |
C# Microsoft ASP.NET Identity MVC (for SOAP) | free |
Node.js interface for ASPSMS | free |
PHP Class for ASPSMS SOAP web service | free |
aspsms.dll (Active-X) | free |
SOAP Web Service | free |
XML-Interface | free |
ASPSMS SMTP Interface | free |
VBscript Class (ASP) | free |
HTTP | free |
PHP - Python - C# - Java | free |
Jabber to SMS for Server Admins | free (open source) |
SMS Blaster Visual Basic Source Code | free |
ASPTOKEN | free |
Network coverage | |
Supported networks around the world |
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